Heat Transfer - Yunus Cengel - 2ed - Chapter 8- Solutions

8–1C Why are liquids usually transported in circular pipes
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8–2C Show that the Reynolds number for flow in a circular tube of diameter D can be expressed as Re 4m · /( D )
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8–3C Which fluid at room temperature requires a larger pump to move at a specified velocity in a given tube: water or engine oil? Why
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8–4C What is the generally accepted value of the Reynolds number above which the flow in smooth pipes is turbulent
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8–5C What is hydraulic diameter? How is it defined? What is it equal to for a circular tube of diameter
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8–6C How is the hydrodynamic entry length defined for flow in a tube? Is the entry length longer in laminar or turbulent flow
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8–7C Consider laminar flow in a circular tube. Will the friction factor be higher near the inlet of the tube or near the exit? Why? What would your response be if the flow were turbulent
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8–8C How does surface roughness affect the pressure drop in a tube if the flow is turbulent? What would your response be if the flow were laminar
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8–9C How does the friction factor f vary along the flow direction in the fully developed region in (a) laminar flow and (b) turbulent flow
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8–10C What fluid property is responsible for the development of the velocity boundary layer? For what kinds of fluids will there be no velocity boundary layer in a pipe
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8–11C What is the physical significance of the number of transfer units NTU hA/m · Cp? What do small and large NTU values tell about a heat transfer system
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8–12C What does the logarithmic mean temperature difference represent for flow in a tube whose surface temperature is constant? Why do we use the logarithmic mean temperature instead of the arithmetic mean temperature
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8–13C How is the thermal entry length defined for flow in a tube? In what region is the flow in a tube fully developed?
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8–14C Consider laminar forced convection in a circular tube. Will the heat flux be higher near the inlet of the tube or near the exit? Why
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8–15C Consider turbulent forced convection in a circular tube. Will the heat flux be higher near the inlet of the tube or near the exit? Why
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8–16C In the fully developed region of flow in a circular tube, will the velocity profile change in the flow direction? How about the temperature profile
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8–17C Consider the flow of oil in a tube. How will the hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths compare if the flow is laminar? How would they compare if the flow were turbulent
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8–18C Consider the flow of mercury (a liquid metal) in a tube. How will the hydrodynamic and thermal entry lengths compare if the flow is laminar? How would they compare if the flow were turbulent
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8–19C What do the mean velocity Vm and the mean temperature Tm represent in flow through circular tubes of constant diameter
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8–20C Consider fluid flow in a tube whose surface temperature remains constant. What is the appropriate temperature difference for use in Newton’s law of cooling with an average heat transfer coefficient
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8–21 Air enters a 20-cm-diameter 12-m-long underwater duct at 50°C and 1 atm at a mean velocity of 7 m/s, and is cooled by the water outside. If the average heat transfer coefficient is 85 W/m2 °C and the tube temperature is nearly equal to the water temperature of 5°C, determine the exit temperature of air and the rate of heat transfer
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8–22 Cooling water available at 10°C is used to condense steam at 30°C in the condenser of a power plant at a rate of 0.15 kg/s by circulating the cooling water through a bank of 5-m-long 1.2-cm-internal-diameter thin copper tubes. Water enters the tubes at a mean velocity of 4 m/s, and leaves at a temperature of 24°C. The tubes are nearly isothermal at 30°C. Determine the average heat transfer coefficient between the water and the tubes, and the number of tubes needed to achieve the indicated heat transfer rate in the condenser
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8–23 Repeat Problem 8–22 for steam condensing at a rate of 0.60 kg/s
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8–24 Combustion gases passing through a 3-cm-internaldiameter circular tube are used to vaporize waste water at atmospheric pressure. Hot gases enter the tube at 115 kPa and 250°C at a mean velocity of 5 m/s, and leave at 150°C. If the average heat transfer coefficient is 120 W/m2 °C and the inner surface temperature of the tube is 110°C, determine (a) the tube length and (b) the rate of evaporation of water
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8–25 Repeat Problem 8–24 for a heat transfer coefficient of 60 W/m2 °C.
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8–26C How is the friction factor for flow in a tube related to the pressure drop? How is the pressure drop related to the pumping power requirement for a given mass flow rate
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8–27C Someone claims that the shear stress at the center of a circular pipe during fully developed laminar flow is zero. Do you agree with this claim? Explain
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8–28C Someone claims that in fully developed turbulent flow in a tube, the shear stress is a maximum at the tube surface. Do you agree with this claim? Explain
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8–29C Consider fully developed flow in a circular pipe with negligible entrance effects. If the length of the pipe is doubled, the pressure drop will (a) double, (b) more than double, (c) less than double, (d) reduce by half, or (e) remain constant
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8–30C Someone claims that the volume flow rate in a circular pipe with laminar flow can be determined by measuring the velocity at the centerline in the fully developed region, multiplying it by the cross sectional area, and dividing the result by 2. Do you agree? Explain
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8–31C Someone claims that the average velocity in a circular pipe in fully developed laminar flow can be determined by simply measuring the velocity at R/2 (midway between the wall surface and the centerline). Do you agree? Explain
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8–32C Consider fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe. If the diameter of the pipe is reduced by half while the flow rate and the pipe length are held constant, the pressure drop will (a) double, (b) triple, (c) quadruple, (d) increase by a factor of 8, or (e) increase by a factor of 16
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8–33C Consider fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe. If the viscosity of the fluid is reduced by half by heating while the flow rate is held constant, how will the pressure drop change
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8–34C How does surface roughness affect the heat transfer in a tube if the fluid flow is turbulent? What would your response be if the flow in the tube were laminar
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8–35 Water at 15°C (p=999.1 kg/m3 and u=1.138 x 10-3 kg/m . s) is flowing in a 4-cm-diameter and 30-m long horizontal pipe made of stainless steel steadily at a rate of 5 L/s. Determine (a) the pressure drop and (b) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop.
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8–36 In fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, the velocity at R/2 (midway between the wall surface and the centerline) is measured to be 6 m/s. Determine the velocity at the center of the pipe.
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8–37 The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe of inner radius R 2 cm, in m/s, is given by V(r) = 4(1 - r2/R2). Determine the mean and maximum velocities in the pipe, and the volume flow rate.
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8–38 Repeat Problem 8–37 for a pipe of inner radius 5 cm
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8–39 Water at 10°C (p=999.7 kg/m3 and u=1.307 x 10-3 kg/m s) is flowing in a 0.20-cm-diameter 15-m-long pipe steadily at an average velocity of 1.2 m/s. Determine (a) the pressure drop and (b) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop.
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8–40 Water is to be heated from 10°C to 80°C as it flows through a 2-cm-internal-diameter, 7-m-long tube. The tube is equipped with an electric resistance heater, which provides uniform heating throughout the surface of the tube. The outer surface of the heater is well insulated, so that in steady operation all the heat generated in the heater is transferred to the water in the tube. If the system is to provide hot water at a rate of 8 L/min, determine the power rating of the resistance heater. Also, estimate the inner surface temperature of the pipe at the exit
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8–41 Hot air at atmospheric pressure and 85°C enters a 10-m-long uninsulated square duct of cross section 0.15 m x 0.15 m that passes through the attic of a house at a rate of 0.10 m3/s. The duct is observed to be nearly isothermal at 70°C. Determine the exit temperature of the air and the rate of heat loss from the duct to the air space in the attic.
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8–42 Reconsider Problem 8–41. Using EES (or other) software, investigate the effect of the volume flow rate of air on the exit temperature of air and the rate of heat loss. Let the flow rate vary from 0.05 m3/s to 0.15 m3/s. Plot the exit temperature and the rate of heat loss as a function of flow rate, and discuss the results
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8–43 Consider an air solar collector that is 1 m wide and 5 m long and has a constant spacing of 3 cm between the glass cover and the collector plate. Air enters the collector at 30°C at a rate of 0.15 m3/s through the 1-m-wide edge and flows along the 5-m-long passage way. If the average temperatures of the glass cover and the collector plate are 20°C and 60°C, respectively, determine (a) the net rate of heat transfer to the air in the collector and (b) the temperature rise of air as it flows through the collector.
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8–44 Consider the flow of oil at 10°C in a 40-cm-diameter pipeline at an average velocity of 0.5 m/s. A300-m-long section of the pipeline passes through icy waters of a lake at 0°C. Measurements indicate that the surface temperature of the pipe is very nearly 0°C. Disregarding the thermal resistance of the pipe material, determine (a) the temperature of the oil when the pipe leaves the lake, (b) the rate of heat transfer from the oil, and (c) the pumping power required to overcome the pressure losses and to maintain the flow oil in the pipe
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8–45 Consider laminar flow of a fluid through a square channel maintained at a constant temperature. Now the mean velocity of the fluid is doubled. Determine the change in the pressure drop and the change in the rate of heat transfer between the fluid and the walls of the channel. Assume the flow regime remains unchanged
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8–46 Repeat Problem 8–45 for turbulent flow
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8–47E The hot water needs of a household are to be met by heating water at 55°F to 200°F by a parabolic solar collector at a rate of 4 lbm/s. Water flows through a 1.25-in.-diameter thin aluminum tube whose outer surface is blackanodized in order to maximize its solar absorption ability. The centerline of the tube coincides with the focal line of the collector, and a glass sleeve is placed outside the tube to minimize the heat losses. If solar energy is transferred to water at a net rate of 350 Btu/h per ft length of the tube, determine the required length of the parabolic collector to meet the hot water requirements of this house. Also, determine the surface temperature of the tube at the exit
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8–48 A 15-cm x 20-cm printed circuit board whose components are not allowed to come into direct contact with air for reliability reasons is to be cooled by passing cool air through a 20-cm-long channel of rectangular cross section 0.2 cm x 14 cm drilled into the board. The heat generated by the electronic components is conducted across the thin layer of the board to the channel, where it is removed by air that enters the channel at 15°C. The heat flux at the top surface of the channel can be considered to be uniform, and heat transfer through other surfaces is negligible. If the velocity of the air at the inlet of the channel is not to exceed 4 m/s and the surface temperature of the channel is to remain under 50°C, determine the maximum total power of the electronic components that can safely be mounted on this circuit board.
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8–49 Repeat Problem 8–48 by replacing air with helium, which has six times the thermal conductivity of air
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8–50 Reconsider Problem 8–48. Using EES (or other) software, investigate the effects of air velocity at the inlet of the channel and the maximum surface temperature on the maximum total power dissipation of electronic components. Let the air velocity vary from 1 m/s to 10 m/s and the surface temperature from 30°C to 90°C. Plot the power dissipation as functions of air velocity and surface temperature, and discuss the results.
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8–51 Air enters a 7-m-long section of a rectangular duct of cross section 15 cm x 20 cm at 50°C at an average velocity of 7 m/s. If the walls of the duct are maintained at 10°C, determine (a) the outlet temperature of the air, (b) the rate of heat transfer from the air, and (c) the fan power needed to overcome the pressure losses in this section of the duct.
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8–52 Reconsider Problem 8–51. Using EES (or other) software, investigate the effect of air velocity on the exit temperature of air, the rate of heat transfer, and the fan power. Let the air velocity vary from 1 m/s to 10 m/s. Plot the exit temperature, the rate of heat transfer, and the fan power as a function of the air velocity, and discuss the results
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8–53 Hot air at 60°C leaving the furnace of a house enters a 12-m-long section of a sheet metal duct of rectangular cross section 20 cm x 20 cm at an average velocity of 4 m/s. The thermal resistance of the duct is negligible, and the outer surface of the duct, whose emissivity is 0.3, is exposed to the cold air at 10°C in the basement, with a convection heat transfer coefficient of 10 W/m2 °C. Taking the walls of the basement to be at 10°C also, determine (a) the temperature at which the hot air will leave the basement and (b) the rate of heat loss from the hot air in the duct to the basement.
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8–54 Reconsider Problem 8–53. Using EES (or other) software, investigate the effects of air velocity and the surface emissivity on the exit temperature of air and the rate of heat loss. Let the air velocity vary from 1 m/s to 10 m/s and the emissivity from 0.1 to 1.0. Plot the exit temperature and the rate of heat loss as functions of air velocity and emissivity, and discuss the results
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8–55 The components of an electronic system dissipating 90 W are located in a 1-m-long horizontal duct whose cross section is 16 cm x 16 cm. The components in the duct are cooled by forced air, which enters at 32°C at a rate of 0.65 m3/min. Assuming 85 percent of the heat generated inside is transferred to air flowing through the duct and the remaining 15 percent is lost through the outer surfaces of the duct, determine (a) the exit temperature of air and (b) the highest component surface temperature in the duct
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8–56 Repeat Problem 8–55 for a circular horizontal duct of 15-cm diameter
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8–57 Consider a hollow-core printed circuit board 12 cm high and 18 cm long, dissipating a total of 20 W. The width of the air gap in the middle of the PCB is 0.25 cm. The cooling air enters the 12-cm-wide core at 32°C at a rate of 0.8 L/s. Assuming the heat generated to be uniformly distributed over the two side surfaces of the PCB, determine (a) the temperature at which the air leaves the hollow core and (b) the highest temperature on the inner surface of the core.
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8–58 Repeat Problem 8–57 for a hollow-core PCB dissipating 35 W
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8–59E Water at 54°F is heated by passing it through 0.75-in.internal-diameter thin-walled copper tubes. Heat is supplied to the water by steam that condenses outside the copper tubes at 250°F. If water is to be heated to 140°F at a rate of 0.7 lbm/s, determine (a) the length of the copper tube that needs to be used and (b) the pumping power required to overcome pressure losses. Assume the entire copper tube to be at the steam temperature of 250°F
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8–60 Acomputer cooled by a fan contains eight PCBs, each dissipating 10 W of power. The height of the PCBs is 12 cm and the length is 18 cm. The clearance between the tips of the components on the PCB and the back surface of the adjacent PCB is 0.3 cm. The cooling air is supplied by a 10-W fan mounted at the inlet. If the temperature rise of air as it flows through the case of the computer is not to exceed 10°C, determine (a) the flow rate of the air that the fan needs to deliver, (b) the fraction of the temperature rise of air that is due to the heat generated by the fan and its motor, and (c) the highest allowable inlet air temperature if the surface temperature of the components is not to exceed 70°C anywhere in the system. Use air properties at 25°C.
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8–61 Ageothermal district heating system involves the transport of geothermal water at 110°C from a geothermal well to a city at about the same elevation for a distance of 12 km at a rate of 1.5 m3/s in 60-cm-diameter stainless steel pipes. The fluid pressures at the wellhead and the arrival point in the city are to be the same. The minor losses are negligible because of the large length-to-diameter ratio and the relatively small number of components that cause minor losses. (a) Assuming the pump-motor efficiency to be 65 percent, determine the electric power consumption of the system for pumping. (b) Determine the daily cost of power consumption of the system if the unit cost of electricity is $0.06/kWh. (c) The temperature of geothermal water is estimated to drop 0.5°C during this long flow. Determine if the frictional heating during flow can make up for this drop in temperature
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8–62 Repeat Problem 8–61 for cast iron pipes of the same diameter
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8–63 The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, in m/s, is given by V(r) = 6(1 - 100r2) where r is the radial distance from the centerline of the pipe in m. Determine (a) the radius of the pipe, (b) the mean velocity through the pipe, and (c) the maximum velocity in the pipe
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8–64E The velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow of water at 40°F in a 80-ft-long horizontal circular pipe, in ft/s, is given by V(r) = 0.8(1 - 625r2) where r is the radial distance from the centerline of the pipe in ft. Determine (a) the volume flow rate of water through the pipe, (b) the pressure drop across the pipe, and (c) the useful pumping power required to overcome this pressure drop
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8–65 The compressed air requirements of a manufacturing facility are met by a 150-hp compressor located in a room that is maintained at 20°C. In order to minimize the compressor work, the intake port of the compressor is connected to the outside through an 11-m-long, 20-cm-diameter duct made of thin aluminum sheet. The compressor takes in air at a rate of 0.27 m3/s at the outdoor conditions of 10°C and 95 kPa. Disregarding the thermal resistance of the duct and taking the heat transfer coefficient on the outer surface of the duct to be 10 W/m2 °C, determine (a) the power used by the compressor to overcome the pressure drop in this duct, (b) the rate of heat transfer to the incoming cooler air, and (c) the temperature rise of air as it flows through the duct
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8–66 Ahouse built on a riverside is to be cooled in summer by utilizing the cool water of the river, which flows at an average temperature of 15°C. A 15-m-long section of a circular duct of 20-cm diameter passes through the water. Air enters the underwater section of the duct at 25°C at a velocity of 3 m/s. Assuming the surface of the duct to be at the temperature of the water, determine the outlet temperature of air as it leaves the underwater portion of the duct. Also, for an overall fan efficiency of 55 percent, determine the fan power input needed to overcome the flow resistance in this section of the duct.
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8–67 Repeat Problem 8–66 assuming that a 0.15-mm-thick layer of mineral deposit (k = 3 W/m °C) formed on the inner surface of the pipe
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8–68E The exhaust gases of an automotive engine leave the combustion chamber and enter a 8-ft-long and 3.5-in.-diameter thin-walled steel exhaust pipe at 800°F and 15.5 psia at a rate of 0.2 lbm/s. The surrounding ambient air is at a temperature of 80°F, and the heat transfer coefficient on the outer surface of the exhaust pipe is 3 Btu/h . ft2 . °F. Assuming the exhaust gases to have the properties of air, determine (a) the velocity of the exhaust gases at the inlet of the exhaust pipe and (b) the temperature at which the exhaust gases will leave the pipe and enter the air
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8–69 Hot water at 90°C enters a 15-m section of a cast iron pipe (k = 52 W/m °C) whose inner and outer diameters are 4 and 4.6 cm, respectively, at an average velocity of 0.8 m/s. The outer surface of the pipe, whose emissivity is 0.7, is exposed to the cold air at 10°C in a basement, with a convection heat transfer coefficient of l5 W/m2 °C. Taking the walls of the basement to be at 10°C also, determine (a) the rate of heat loss from the water and (b) the temperature at which the water leaves the basement
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8–70 Repeat Problem 8–69 for a pipe made of copper (k 386 W/m °C) instead of cast iron
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8–71 D. B. Tuckerman and R. F. Pease of Stanford University demonstrated in the early 1980s that integrated circuits can be cooled very effectively by fabricating a series of microscopic channels 0.3 mm high and 0.05 mm wide in the back of the substrate and covering them with a plate to confine the fluid flow within the channels. They were able to dissipate 790Wof power generated in a 1-cm2 silicon chip at a junctionto-ambient temperature difference of 71°C using water as the coolant flowing at a rate of 0.01 L/s through 100 such channels under a 1-cm x 1-cm silicon chip. Heat is transferred primarily through the base area of the channel, and it was found that the increased surface area and thus the fin effect are of lesser importance. Disregarding the entrance effects and ignoring any heat transfer from the side and cover surfaces, determine (a) the temperature rise of water as it flows through the microchannels and (b) the average surface temperature of the base of the microchannels for a power dissipation of 50 W. Assume the water enters the channels at 20°C.
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8–72 Liquid-cooled systems have high heat transfer coefficients associated with them, but they have the inherent disadvantage that they present potential leakage problems. Therefore, air is proposed to be used as the microchannel coolant. Repeat Problem 8–71 using air as the cooling fluid instead of water, entering at a rate of 0.5 L/s
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8–73 Hot exhaust gases leaving a stationary diesel engine at 450°C enter a l5-cm-diameter pipe at an average velocity of 3.6 m/s. The surface temperature of the pipe is 180°C. Determine the pipe length if the exhaust gases are to leave the pipe at 250°C after transferring heat to water in a heat recovery unit. Use properties of air for exhaust gases
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8–74 Geothermal steam at 165°C condenses in the shell side of a heat exchanger over the tubes through which water flows. Water enters the 4-cm-diameter, 14-m-long tubes at 20°C at a rate of 0.8 kg/s. Determine the exit temperature of water and the rate of condensation of geothermal steam
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8–75 Cold air at 5°C enters a l2-cm-diameter 20-m-long isothermal pipe at a velocity of 2.5 m/s and leaves at 19°C. Estimate the surface temperature of the pipe
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8–76 Oil at 10°C is to be heated by saturated steam at 1 atm in a double-pipe heat exchanger to a temperature of 30°C. The inner and outer diameters of the annular space are 3 cm and 5 cm, respectively, and oil enters at with a mean velocity of 0.8 m/s. The inner tube may be assumed to be isothermal at 100°C, and the outer tube is well insulated. Assuming fully developed flow for oil, determine the tube length required to heat the oil to the indicated temperature. In reality, will you need a shorter or longer tube? Explain.
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