11–1C What is an electromagnetic wave? How does it differ from a sound wave
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11–2C By what properties is an electromagnetic wave characterized? How are these properties related to each other
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11–3C What is visible light? How does it differ from the other forms of electromagnetic radiation
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How do ultraviolet and infrared radiation differ? Do you think your
body emits any radiation in the ultraviolet range? Explain
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11–5C What is thermal radiation? How does it differ from the other forms of electromagnetic radiation?
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What is the cause of color? Why do some objects appear blue to the eye
while others appear red? Is the color of a surface at room temperature
related to the radiation it emits
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11–7C Why is radiation usually treated as a surface phenomenon
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11–8C Why do skiers get sunburned so easily
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11–9C How does microwave cooking differ from conventional cooking
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Electricity is generated and transmitted in power lines at a frequency
of 60 Hz (1 Hz 1 cycle per second). Determine the wavelength of the
electromagnetic waves generated by the passage of electricity in power
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A microwave oven is designed to operate at a frequency of 2.8 x 109 Hz.
Determine the wavelength of these microwaves and the energy of each
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11–12 Aradio station is broadcasting radio waves at a wavelength of 200 m. Determine the frequency of these waves.
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A cordless telephone is designed to operate at a frequency of 8.5 x 108
Hz. Determine the wavelength of these telephone waves.
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11–14C What is a blackbody? Does a blackbody actually exist
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11–15C Define the total and spectral blackbody emissive powers. How are they related to each other? How do they differ
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11–16C Why did we define the blackbody radiation function? What does it represent? For what is it used
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Consider two identical bodies, one at 1000 K and the other at 1500 K.
Which body emits more radiation in the shorter-wavelength region? Which
body emits more radiation at a wavelength of 20 um
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Consider a 20-cm x 20-cm x 20-cm cubical body at 1000 K suspended in
the air. Assuming the body closely approximates a blackbody, determine
(a) the rate at which the cube emits radiation energy, in W, and (b) the
spectral blackbody emissive power at a wavelength of 4 um
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The sun can be treated as a blackbody at an effective surface
temperature of 10,400 R. Determine the rate at which infrared radiation
energy (l=0.76–100 um) is emitted by the sun, in Btu/h · ft2
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The sun can be treated as a blackbody at 5780 K. Using EES (or other)
software, calculate and plot the spectral blackbody emissive power Ebl
of the sun versus wavelength in the range of 0.01 um to 1000 um. Discuss
the results
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The temperature of the filament of an incandescent lightbulb is 3200 K.
Treating the filament as a blackbody, determine the fraction of the
radiant energy emitted by the filament that falls in the visible range.
Also, determine the wavelength at which the emission of radiation from
the filament peaks
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Reconsider Problem 11–21. Using EES (or other) software, investigate
the effect of temperature on the fraction of radiation emitted in the
visible range. Let the surface temperature vary from 1000 K to 4000 K,
and plot fraction of radiation emitted in the visible range versus the
surface temperature
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An incandescent lightbulb is desired to emit at least 15 percent of its
energy at wavelengths shorter than 1 um. Determine the minimum
temperature to which the filament of the lightbulb must be heated
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It is desired that the radiation energy emitted by a light source reach
a maximum in the blue range (l=0.47 um). Determine the temperature of
this light source and the fraction of radiation it emits in the visible
range (l=0.40–0.76 um)
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A 3-mm-thick glass window transmits 90 percent of the radiation between
l=0.3 and 3.0 um and is essentially opaque for radiation at other
wavelengths. Determine the rate of radiation transmitted through a 2-m x
2-m glass window from blackbody sources at (a) 5800 K and (b) 1000 K.
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What does a solid angle represent, and how does it differ from a plane
angle? What is the value of a solid angle associated with a sphere
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How is the intensity of emitted radiation defined? For a diffusely
emitting surface, how is the emissive power related to the intensity of
emitted radiation
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For a surface, how is irradiation defined? For diffusely incident
radiation, how is irradiation on a surface related to the intensity of
incident radiation
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For a surface, how is radiosity defined? For diffusely emitting and
reflecting surfaces, how is radiosity related to the intensities of
emitted and reflected radiation
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When the variation of spectral radiation quantity with wavelength is
known, how is the corresponding total quantity determined?
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Asmall surface of area A1 =4 cm2 emits radiation as a blackbody at T1 =
800 K. Part of the radiation emitted by A1 strikes another small
surface of area A2 = 4 cm2 oriented as shown in the figure. Determine
the solid angle subtended by A2 when viewed from A1, and the rate at
which radiation emitted by A1 that strikes A2 directly. What would your
answer be if A2 were directly above A1 at a distance of 80 cm? Asmall
circular surface of area A1 = 2 cm2 located at the center of a
2-m-diameter sphere emits radiation as a blackbody at T1 = 1000 K.
Determine the rate at which radiation energy is streaming through a D2 =
1-cm-diameter hole located (a) on top of the sphere directly above A1
and (b) on the side of sphere such that the line that connects the
centers of A1 and A2 makes 45˚ with surface A1.
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Asmall circular surface of area A1 2 cm2 located at the center of a
2-m-diameter sphere emits radiation as a blackbody at T1 1000 K.
Determine the rate at which radiation energy is streaming through a D2
1-cm-diameter hole located (a) on top of the sphere directly above A1
and (b) on the side of sphere such that the line that connects the
centers of A1 and A2 makes 45˚ with surface A1.
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11–33 Repeat Problem 11–32 for a 4-m-diameter sphere
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Asmall surface of area A = 1 cm2 emits radiation as a blackbody at 1500
K. Determine the rate at which radiation energy is emitted through a
band defined by 0 ≤ O ≤ 2pi and 45 ≤ O ≤ 60˚ where is the angle a
radiation beam makes with the normal of the surface and O is the azimuth
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Asmall surface of area A = 1 cm2 is subjected to incident radiation of
constant intensity Ii = 2.2 x 104 W/m2 . sr over the entire hemisphere.
Determine the rate at which radiation energy is incident on the surface
through (a) 0 ≤ O ≤ 45˚ and (b) 45 ≤ O ≤ 90˚, where is the angle a
radiation beam makes with the normal of the surface.
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11–36C Define the properties emissivity and absorptivity. When are these two properties equal to each other
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11–37C Define the properties reflectivity and transmissivity and discuss the different forms of reflection
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11–38C What is a graybody? How does it differ from a blackbody? What is a diffuse gray surface
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11–39C What is the greenhouse effect? Why is it a matter of great concern among atmospheric scientists
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We can see the inside of a microwave oven during operation through its
glass door, which indicates that visible radiation is escaping the oven.
Do you think that the harmful microwave radiation might also be
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11–41 The spectral emissivity function of an opaque surface at 1000 K is approximated as
Determine the average emissivity of the surface and the rate of radiation emission from the surface, in W/m2.
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The reflectivity of aluminum coated with lead sulfate is 0.35 for
radiation at wavelengths less than 3 um and 0.95 for radiation greater
than 3 um. Determine the average reflectivity of this surface for solar
radiation (T 5800 K) and radiation coming from surfaces at room
temperature (T 300 K). Also, determine the emissivity and absorptivity
of this surface at both temperatures. Do you think this material is
suitable for use in solar collectors
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A furnace that has a 25-cm x 25-cm glass window can be considered to be
a blackbody at 1200 K. If the transmissivity of the glass is 0.7 for
radiation at wavelengths less than 3 um and zero for radiation at
wavelengths greater than 3 um, determine the fraction and the rate of
radiation coming from the furnace and transmitted through the window
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The emissivity of a tungsten filament can be approximated to be 0.5 for
radiation at wavelengths less than 1 um and 0.15 for radiation at
greater than 1 um. Determine the average emissivity of the filament at
(a) 2000 K and (b) 3000 K. Also determine the absorptivity and
reflectivity of the filament at both temperatures
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The variations of the spectral emissivity of two surfaces are as given
in Figure P11–45. Determine the average emissivity of each surface at T
3000 K. Also, determine the average absorptivity and reflectivity of
each surface for radiation coming from a source at 3000 K. Which surface
is more suitable to serve as a solar absorber?
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The emissivity of a surface coated with aluminum oxide can be
approximated to be 0.2 for radiation at wavelengths less than 5 um and
0.9 for radiation at wavelengths greater than 5 um. Determine the
average emissivity of this surface at (a) 5800 K and (b) 300 K. What can
you say about the absorptivity of this surface for radiation coming
from sources at 5800 K and 300 K?
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The variation of the spectral absorptivity of a surface is as given in
Figure P11–47. Determine the average absorptivity and reflectivity of
the surface for radiation that originates from a source at T 2500 K.
Also, determine the average emissivity of this surface at 3000 K.
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A5-in.-diameter spherical ball is known to emit radiation at a rate of
120 Btu/h when its surface temperature is 950 R. Determine the average
emissivity of the ball at this temperature
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The variation of the spectral transmissivity of a 0.6-cm-thick glass
window is as given in Figure P11–49. Determine the average
transmissivity of this window for solar radiation (T 5800 K) and
radiation coming from surfaces at room temperature (T 300 K). Also,
determine the amount of solar radiation transmitted through the window
for incident solar radiation of 650 W/m2.
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What is the solar constant? How is it used to determine the effective
surface temperature of the sun? How would the value of the solar
constant change if the distance between the earth and the sun doubled
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11–51C What changes would you notice if the sun emitted radiation at an effective temperature of 2000 K instead of 5762 K
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11–52C Explain why the sky is blue and the sunset is yelloworange
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When the earth is closest to the sun, we have winter in the northern
hemisphere. Explain why. Also explain why we have summer in the northern
hemisphere when the earth is farthest away from the sun
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11–54C What is the effective sky temperature
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You have probably noticed warning signs on the highways stating that
bridges may be icy even when the roads are not. Explain how this can
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Unless you live in a warm southern state, you have probably had to
scrape ice from the windshield and windows of your car many mornings.
You may have noticed, with frustration, that the thickest layer of ice
always forms on the windshield instead of the side windows. Explain why
this is the case
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Explain why surfaces usually have quite different absorptivities for
solar radiation and for radiation originating from the surrounding
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A surface has an absorptivity of as = 0.85 for solar radiation and an
emissivity of E=0.5 at room temperature. The surface temperature is
observed to be 350 K when the direct and the diffuse components of solar
radiation are GD = 350 and Gd = 400 W/m2, respectively, and the direct
radiation makes a 30° angle with the normal of the surface. Taking the
effective sky temperature to be 280 K, determine the net rate of
radiation heat transfer to the surface at that time.
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Solar radiation is incident on the outer surface of a spaceship at a
rate of 400 Btu/h · ft2. The surface has an absorptivity of as = 0.10
for solar radiation and an emissivity of E=0.8 at room temperature. The
outer surface radiates heat into space at 0 R. If there is no net heat
transfer into the spaceship, determine the equilibrium temperature of
the surface. The air temperature on a clear night is observed to remain
at about 4°C. Yet water is reported to have frozen that night due to
radiation effect. Taking the convection heat transfer coefficient to be
18 W/m2 · °C, determine the value of the maximum effective sky
temperature that night.
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The air temperature on a clear night is observed to remain at about
4°C. Yet water is reported to have frozen that night due to radiation
effect. Taking the convection heat transfer coefficient to be 18 W/m2 ·
°C, determine the value of the maximum effective sky temperature that
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The absorber surface of a solar collector is made of aluminum coated
with black chrome (as = 0.87 and E=0.09). Solar radiation is incident on
the surface at a rate of 600 W/m2. The air and the effective sky
temperatures are 25°C and 15°C, respectively, and the convection heat
transfer coefficient is 10 W/m2 · °C. For an absorber surface
temperature of 70°C, determine the net rate of solar energy delivered by
the absorber plate to the water circulating behind it.
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Reconsider Problem 11–61. Using EES (or other) software, plot the net
rate of solar energy transferred to water as a function of the
absorptivity of the absorber plate. Let the absorptivity vary from 0.5
to 1.0, and discuss the results
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Determine the equilibrium temperature of the absorber surface in
Problem 11–61 if the back side of the absorber is insulated.
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What fraction of the solar energy is in the visible range (a) outside
the earth’s atmosphere and (b) at sea level on earth? Answer the same
question for infrared radiation
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11–65C Describe the solar radiation properties of a window that is ideally suited for minimizing the air-conditioning load.
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Define the SHGC (solar heat gain coefficient), and explain how it
differs from the SC (shading coefficient). What are the values of the
SHGC and SC of a single-pane clear-glass window
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What does the SC (shading coefficient) of a device represent? How do
the SCs of clear glass and heat-absorbing glass compare
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What is a shading device? Is an internal or external shading device
more effective in reducing the solar heat gain through a window? How
does the color of the surface of a shading device facing outside affect
the solar heat gain
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What is the effect of a low-e coating on the inner surface of a window
glass on the (a) heat loss in winter and (b) heat gain in summer through
the window
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What is the effect of a reflective coating on the outer surface of a
window glass on the (a) heat loss in winter and (b) heat gain in summer
through the window
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Amanufacturing facility located at 32° N latitude has a glazing area of
60 m2 facing west that consists of doublepane windows made of clear
glass (SHGC 0.766). To reduce the solar heat gain in summer, a
reflective film that will reduce the SHGC to 0.35 is considered. The
cooling season consists of June, July, August, and September, and the
heating season, October through April. The average daily solar heat
fluxes incident on the west side at this latitude are 2.35, 3.03, 3.62,
4.00, 4.20, 4.24, 4.16, 3.93, 3.48, 2.94, 2.33, and 2.07 kWh/day · m2
for January through December, respectively. Also, the unit costs of
electricity and natural gas are $0.09/kWh and $0.45/therm, respectively.
If the coefficient of performance of the cooling system is 3.2 and the
efficiency of the furnace is 0.90, determine the net annual cost savings
due to installing reflective coating on the windows. Also, determine
the simple payback period if the installation cost of reflective film is
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Ahouse located in Boulder, Colorado (40°N latitude), has ordinary
double-pane windows with 6-mm-thick glasses and the total window areas
are 8, 6, 6, and 4 m2 on the south, west, east, and north walls,
respectively. Determine the total solar heat gain of the house at 9:00,
12:00, and 15:00 solar time in July. Also, determine the total amount of
solar heat gain per day for an average day in January
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11–73 Repeat Problem 11–72 for double-pane windows that are gray-tinted
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Consider a building in New York (40° N latitude) that has 200 m2 of
window area on its south wall. The windows are double-pane
heat-absorbing type, and are equipped with lightcolored venetian blinds
with a shading coefficient of SC 0.30. Determine the total solar heat
gain of the building through the south windows at solar noon in April.
What would your answer be if there were no blinds at the windows?
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Atypical winter day in Reno, Nevada (39°N latitude), is cold but sunny,
and thus the solar heat gain through the windows can be more than the
heat loss through them during daytime. Consider a house with
double-door-type windows that are double paned with 3-mm-thick glasses
and 6.4 mm of air space and have aluminum frames and spacers. The house
is maintained at 22°C at all times. Determine if the house is losing
more or less heat than it is gaining from the sun through an east window
on a typical day in January for a 24-h period if the average outdoor
temperature is 10°C.
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11–76 Repeat Problem 11–75 for a south window
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Determine the rate of net heat gain (or loss) through a 9-ft-high,
15-ft-wide, fixed -in. single-glass window with aluminum frames on the
west wall at 3 PM solar time during a typical day in January at a
location near 40° N latitude when the indoor and outdoor temperatures
are 70°F and 45°F, respectively.
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Consider a building located near 40° N latitude that has equal window
areas on all four sides. The building owner is considering coating the
south-facing windows with reflective film to reduce the solar heat gain
and thus the cooling load. But someone suggests that the owner will
reduce the cooling load even more if she coats the west-facing windows
instead. What do you think?
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11–79 The spectral emissivity of an opaque surface at 1200 K is approximated as
Determine the total emissivity and the emissive flux of the surface
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11–80 The spectral transmissivity of a 3-mm-thick regular glass can be expressed as
Determine the transmissivity of this glass for solar radiation. What is the transmissivity of this glass for light
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A 1-m-diameter spherical cavity is maintained at a uniform temperature
of 600 K. Now a 5-mm-diameter hole is drilled. Determine the maximum
rate of radiation energy streaming through the hole. What would your
answer be if the diameter of the cavity were 3 m
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The spectral absorptivity of an opaque surface is as shown on the
graph. Determine the absorptivity of the surface for radiation emitted
by a source at (a) 1000 K and (b) 3000 K.
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The surface in Problem 11–82 receives solar radiation at a rate of 820
W/m2. Determine the solar absorptivity of the surface and the rate of
absorption of solar radiation
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The spectral transmissivity of a glass cover used in a solar collector
is given as
Solar radiation is incident at a rate of 950 W/m2, and the absorber
plate, which can be considered to be black, is maintained at 340 K by
the cooling water. Determine (a) the solar flux incident on the absorber
plate, (b) the transmissivity of the glass cover for radiation emitted
by the absorber plate, and (c) the rate of heat transfer to the cooling
water if the glass cover temperature is also 340 K
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Consider a small black surface of area A = 2 cm2 maintained at 600 K.
Determine the rate at which radiation energy is emitted by the surface
through a ring-shaped opening defined by 0 ≤ O ≤ 2pi and 40 ≤ O ≤ 50˚
where O is the azimuth angle and is the angle a radiation beam makes
with the normal of the surface.
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