What is forced convection? How does it differ from natural convection?
Is convection caused by winds forced or natural convection
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What is external forced convection? How does it differ from internal
forced convection? Can a heat transfer system involve both internal and
external convection at the same time? Give an example.
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In which mode of heat transfer is the convection heat transfer
coefficient usually higher, natural convection or forced convection? Why
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Consider a hot baked potato. Will the potato cool faster or slower when
we blow the warm air coming from our lungs on it instead of letting it
cool naturally in the cooler air in the room? Explain
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6–5C What is the physical significance of the Nusselt number? How is it defined
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When is heat transfer through a fluid conduction and when is it
convection? For what case is the rate of heat transfer higher? How does
the convection heat transfer coefficient differ from the thermal
conductivity of a fluid
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Define incompressible flow and incompressible fluid. Must the flow of a
compressible fluid necessarily be treated as compressible
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During air cooling of potatoes, the heat transfer coefficient for
combined convection, radiation, and evaporation is determined
experimentally to be as shown:
Consider a 10-cm-diameter potato initially at 20˚C with a thermal
conductivity of 0.49 W/m ˚C. Potatoes are cooled by refrigerated air
at 5˚C at a velocity of 1 m/s. Determine the initial rate of heat
transfer from a potato, and the initial value of the temperature
gradient in the potato at the surface
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An average man has a body surface area of 1.8 m2 and a skin temperature
of 33˚C. The convection heat transfer coefficient for a clothed person
walking in still air is expressed as h = 8.6V0.53 for 0.5 < V < 2
m/s, where V is the walking velocity in m/s. Assuming the average
surface temperature of the clothed person to be 30˚C, determine the rate
of heat loss from an average man walking in still air at 10˚C by
convection at a walking velocity of (a) 0.5 m/s, (b) 1.0 m/s, (c) 1.5
m/s, and (d) 2.0 m/s
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The convection heat transfer coefficient for a clothed person standing
in moving air is expressed as h = 14.8V0.69 for 0.15 < V < 1.5
m/s, where V is the air velocity. For a person with a body surface area
of 1.7 m2 and an average surface temperature of 29˚C, determine the rate
of heat loss from the person in windy air at 10˚C by convection for air
velocities of (a) 0.5 m/s, (b) 1.0 m/s, and (c) 1.5 m/s
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During air cooling of oranges, grapefruit, and tangelos, the heat
transfer coefficient for combined convection, radiation, and evaporation
for air velocities of 0.11 < V < 0.33 m/s is determined
experimentally and is expressed as h = 5.05 kairRe1/3/D, where the
diameter D is the characteristic length. Oranges are cooled by
refrigerated air at 5˚C and 1 atm at a velocity of 0.5 m/s. Determine
(a) the initial rate of heat transfer from a 7-cm-diameter orange
initially at 15˚C with a thermal conductivity of 0.50 W/m ˚C, (b) the
value of the initial temperature gradient inside the orange at the
surface, and (c) the value of the Nusselt number.
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What is viscosity? What causes viscosity in liquids and in gases? Is
dynamic viscosity typically higher for a liquid or for a gas
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6–13C What is Newtonian fluid? Is water a Newtonian fluid
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6–14C What is the no-slip condition? What causes it
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Consider two identical small glass balls dropped into two identical
containers, one filled with water and the other with oil. Which ball
will reach the bottom of the container first? Why
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6–16C How does the dynamic viscosity of (a) liquids and (b) gases vary with temperature
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What fluid property is responsible for the development of the velocity
boundary layer? For what kind of fluids will there be no velocity
boundary layer on a flat plate
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What is the physical significance of the Prandtl number? Does the value
of the Prandtl number depend on the type of flow or the flow geometry?
Does the Prandtl number of air change with pressure? Does it change with
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Will a thermal boundary layer develop in flow over a surface even if
both the fluid and the surface are at the same temperature? Laminar and
Turbulent Flows
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6–20C How does turbulent flow differ from laminar flow? For which flow is the heat transfer coefficient higher
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6–21C What is the physical significance of the Reynolds number? How is it defined for external flow over a plate of length L
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What does the friction coefficient represent in flow over a flat plate?
How is it related to the drag force acting on the plate?
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6–23C What is the physical mechanism that causes the friction factor to be higher in turbulent flow
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6–24C What is turbulent viscosity? What is it caused by
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6–25C What is turbulent thermal conductivity? What is it caused by?
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6–26C Under what conditions can a curved surface be treated as a flat plate in fluid flow and convection analysis
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6–27C Express continuity equation for steady twodimensional flow with constant properties, and explain what each term represents
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6–28C Is the acceleration of a fluid particle necessarily zero in steady flow? Explain
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6–29C For steady two-dimensional flow, what are the boundary layer approximations
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6–30C For what types of fluids and flows is the viscous dissipation term in the energy equation likely to be significant
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For steady two-dimensional flow over an isothermal flat plate in the
x-direction, express the boundary conditions for the velocity components
u and v, and the temperature T at the plate surface and at the edge of
the boundary layer
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What is a similarity variable, and what is it used for? For what kinds
of functions can we expect a similarity solution for a set of partial
differential equations to exist
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Consider steady, laminar, two-dimensional flow over an isothermal
plate. Does the thickness of the velocity boundary layer increase or
decrease with (a) distance from the leading edge, (b) free-stream
velocity, and (c) kinematic viscosity
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Consider steady, laminar, two-dimensional flow over an isothermal
plate. Does the wall shear stress increase, decrease, or remain constant
with distance from the leading edge
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6–35C What are the advantages of nondimensionalizing the convection equations
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Consider steady, laminar, two-dimensional, incompressible flow with
constant properties and a Prandtl number of unity. For a given geometry,
is it correct to say that both the average friction and heat transfer
coefficients depend on the Reynolds number only
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Oil flow in a journal bearing can be treated as parallel flow between
two large isothermal plates with one plate moving at a constant velocity
of 12 m/s and the other stationary. Consider such a flow with a uniform
spacing of 0.7 mm between the plates. The temperatures of the upper and
lower plates are 40˚C and 15˚C, respectively. By simplifying and
solving the continuity, momentum, and energy equations, determine (a)
the velocity and temperature distributions in the oil, (b) the maximum
temperature and where it occurs, and (c) the heat flux from the oil to
each plate.
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6–38 Repeat Problem 6–37 for a spacing of 0.4 mm
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A 6-cm-diameter shaft rotates at 3000 rpm in a 20-cmlong bearing with a
uniform clearance of 0.2 mm. At steady operating conditions, both the
bearing and the shaft in the vicinity of the oil gap are at 50˚C, and
the viscosity and thermal conductivity of lubricating oil are 0.05 N
s/m2 and 0.17 W/m K. By simplifying and solving the continuity,
momentum, and energy equations, determine (a) the maximum temperature of
oil, (b) the rates of heat transfer to the bearing and the shaft, and
(c)the mechanical power wasted by the viscous dissipation in the oil.
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Repeat Problem 6–39 by assuming the shaft to have reached peak
temperature and thus heat transfer to the shaft to be negligible, and
the bearing surface still to be maintained at 50˚C
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Reconsider Problem 6–39. Using EES (or other) software, investigate the
effect of shaft velocity on the mechanical power wasted by viscous
dissipation. Let the shaft rotation vary from 0 rpm to 5000 rpm. Plot
the power wasted versus the shaft rpm, and discuss the results
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Consider a 5-cm-diameter shaft rotating at 2500 rpm in a 10-cm-long
bearing with a clearance of 0.5 mm. Determine the power required to
rotate the shaft if the fluid in the gap is (a) air, (b) water, and (c)
oil at 40˚C and 1 atm
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Consider the flow of fluid between two large parallel isothermal plates
separated by a distance L. The upper plate is moving at a constant
velocity of and maintained at temperature T0 while the lower plate is
stationary and insulated. By simplifying and solving the continuity,
momentum, and energy equations, obtain relations for the maximum
temperature of fluid, the location where it occurs, and heat flux at the
upper plate
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Reconsider Problem 6–43. Using the results of this problem, obtain a
relation for the volumetric heat generation rate g ·, in W/m3. Then
express the convection problem as an equivalent conduction problem in
the oil layer. Verify your model by solving the conduction problem and
obtaining a relation for the maximum temperature, which should be
identical to the one obtained in the convection analysis
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A 5-cm-diameter shaft rotates at 4500 rpm in a 15-cmlong,
8-cm-outer-diameter cast iron bearing (k = 70 W/m K) with a uniform
clearance of 0.6 mm filled with lubricating oil (u=0.03 N . s/m2 and k =
0.14 W/m K). The bearing is cooled externally by a liquid, and its
outer surface is maintained at 40˚C. Disregarding heat conduction
through the shaft and assuming one-dimensional heat transfer, determine
(a) the rate of heat transfer to the coolant, (b) the surface
temperature of the shaft, and (c) the mechanical power wasted by the
viscous dissipation in oil.
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6–46 Repeat Problem 6–45 for a clearance of 1 mm.
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6–47C How is Reynolds analogy expressed? What is the value of it? What are its limitations
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6–48C How is the modified Reynolds analogy expressed? What is the value of it? What are its limitations
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A 4-m x 4-m flat plate maintained at a constant temperature of 80˚C is
subjected to parallel flow of air at 1 atm, 20˚C, and 10 m/s. The total
drag force acting on the upper surface of the plate is measured to be
2.4 N. Using momentum-heat transfer analogy, determine the average
convection heat transfer coefficient, and the rate of heat transfer
between the upper surface of the plate and the air.
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Ametallic airfoil of elliptical cross section has a mass of 50 kg,
surface area of 12 m2, and a specific heat of 0.50 kJ/kg ˚C). The
airfoil is subjected to air flow at 1 atm, 25˚C, and 8 m/s along its
3-m-long side. The average temperature of the airfoil is observed to
drop from 160˚C to 150˚C within 2 min of cooling. Assuming the surface
temperature of the airfoil to be equal to its average temperature and
using momentum-heat transfer analogy, determine the average friction
coefficient of the airfoil surface.
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6–51 Repeat Problem 6–50 for an air-flow velocity of 12 m/s
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The electrically heated 0.6-m-high and 1.8-m-long windshield of a car
is subjected to parallel winds at 1 atm, 0˚C, and 80 km/h. The electric
power consumption is observed to be 50 W when the exposed surface
temperature of the windshield is 4˚C. Disregarding radiation and heat
transfer from the inner surface and using the momentum-heat transfer
analogy, determine drag force the wind exerts on the windshield
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Consider an airplane cruising at an altitude of 10 km where standard
atmospheric conditions are -50˚C and 26.5 kPa at a speed of 800 km/h.
Each wing of the airplane can be modeled as a 25-m x 3-m flat plate, and
the friction coefficient of the wings is 0.0016. Using the
momentum-heat transfer analogy, determine the heat transfer coefficient
for the wings at cruising conditions.
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